
G,GGG A. P. Southwick's Great Great Grandson

"What I'd like," he said. "is to do as great, greatgreatgrandpa. These days I could get the Nobel prize in D'entreneurship for an idea like he had........don't gargle please ma'am..ah, question was it? Well, in 1881 dear G,GGG Alfred P. Southwick happened to observe an intoxicated man in his dental chair touch a live generator, and die. Dearest G,GGG Southwick then worked tirelessly to promote laws mandating electrical execution, and on January 1, 1889, a man was electrocuted for killing his mistress....................ah yes, ma'am, tying your abscessed tooth to a departing ferry boat may not have the same romantic appeal, but us inventors have to start somewhere! Think of how many teeth could be pulled at one go! The possibility, ma'am, is endless. Open wide..."

For Friday Fictioneer 100W stories - http://rochellewisofffields.wordpress.com/ - picture by http://tedstrutz.com/

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