
dVerse Poetics: Around the World - A Sting


on my
-the balance

the fragile shade
like a razor blade
cuts the sweat loose
from under the brim

of my soaking, wet hat

perspiration drops
onto eyelids



don't make the scorpion dance

sweat stings too - a static shock
in eyes
the tail rises

the bedouins, my brothers
swords cast aside
quiet too, until the command
''remove your hand''
faster than the scorpion stings

the test to pass or fail
here at the Empty Quarter*
immobile tail, coiled

''remove your hand!''

I fall, to the sand

*The Empty Quarter, the largest area of sand in the world, is found in the area between Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the United Arab Emirates. There is no better place in the world. The best way to pass this test is indeed to fall forward into the sand, knocking the scorpion forward off your fingers, as shaking it loose is risky. Of course the real artisans place the scorpion gently on the sands. They are the ones who make love that evening to the woman of their dreams with the same, gentle caress. As for the rest of us who are not stung, we drink coffee and recite poetry around a campfire in the desert.

No-one loves poetry more than the bedouins, who will repeat each last word in every line you recite as they listen. A wonderful experience.

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